Watch: Stackhat - As You Wish

Watch: Stackhat - As You Wish

Surreal and brilliant, Stackhat is a huge blip on our radar from this point on.

For sure, Stackhat isn't the only Pinocchio-nosed masked man pushing twisted electronics onto the Australian club landscape (y’all remember Anklepants, right?), but he's definitely our favorite. This week he unleashed the first single from a recently completed EP/Video project, spanning the best part of two years. He's got a bunch more up his sleeve, but there's plenty to get our teeth into with this first release..

As You Wish expertly treads the line between head-fuck left field electronics and head-noddin' beat work, blown out drums and splashing high hats abound, setting up camp part way between Actress and Shlohmo, with the broken circuit intricacy of lord RDJ (Aphex Twin), and the snow-capped bleeps of Werk Discs favorite Lukid. We've never really heard anything like it.

The accompanying video piles on the creepy, with blurred out shots of thick leather, rusting rivets, and a slow dance outside Ikea. God knows what it's about, but being the first in a video series of seven, I don't think Stackhat wants us to work it out...just yet. It's decidedly disorientating, but don't be afraid, 10 seconds into the video the masked man chops on a chunky meat pie, complete with tommy sauce, and anybody who can enjoy the quiet pleasure of a meat pie must be an alright bloke we reckon.

He's got his fingers in plenty of other pies too, performing works at the Museum Of Contemporary Art, working with underground rap legend Illogic, and even contributing wardrobe design for Flying Lotus' latest clip Coronus, The Terminator; busy man then.

This is an artist with a vision, and the patience and talent to see it through. We'll be keeping a close eye on this masked mystery. Get around him July 9 at Free The Beats, Knox Street Bar, Sydney and July 31 at Art Party: Create Or Die, Marrickville.


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