Listen: Sun Creeps - Rat Race

Listen: Sun Creeps - Rat Race

South-west Sydney punk pub rockers deliver blistering new single

Straight out of south-west Sydney, Sun Creeps sound like the perfect soundtrack to a skatepark - in a beer garden. With support slots for the likes of The Chats, Pist Idiots and The Kids over the years, Sun Creeps are back in 2022 with their new ode to monotonous yet competitive living, Rat Race. 

Pub rock infused punk goodness, Rat Race packs relentless drums, big angular duelling guitars and frantic yet harmonious vocals, clocking in at just under two minutes. Of the track the band says “we are super excited to release ‘Rat Race’ into the world, we want to give our fans something hard-hitting and exciting to listen to, adding Rhys to our band as a second guitarist hashelped us grow our sound and songwriting, we hope you enjoy this track as much as we do”.

Sun Creeps will celebrate the release of Rat Race with a single launch at Yulli’s Brewery in Alexandria on Friday September 30.

Follow Sun Creeps: Instagram / Facebook

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